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私は David Therrien と申します。Timberwolf Manufacturing Corporation のC.E.O.(最高経営責任者)を務めています。我が社について紹介させていただきたいと思います。
Timberwolf Manufacturing Corporation は、アメリカバーモント州の Rutland(ラットランド)を拠点とする企業で、世界で最も強力で最も信頼される最良の薪割機とプロセッサーを製造することに誇りを持ち、その伝統を持ち続けて歩んでいます。
Timberwolf社の製品は、極めて評価の高い代理店や卸売業者を通してのみ販売しています。私は、ティンバーウルフジャパン株式会社の代表伊東敏彦氏及びそのスタッフの方々が、皆様にTimberwolf の製品を使ってよかったと思っていただけるよう、その知識とサービスを御提供できるものと確信しています。私は、長野県伊那市にあるティンバーウルフジャパン株式会社を訪れスタッフと会ったことがありますが、その向上心とお客様に満足していただくための献身的な姿勢に感銘を受けました。
Timberwolf社製品の御購入を検討していただけることに御礼申し上げます。私どもは、日本の友人とともに仕事をしていることを非常な喜びとしています。また、我が社の高品質な製品と優れたサービスは、お求めいただいた皆様に感銘していただけることと期待しています。                         David Therrien

My name is David Therrien and I am the CEO of Timberwolf Manufacturing Corporation.Please allow me to introduce myself and my company.
Timberwolf Manufacturing Corporation,based in Rutland,Verrmont,USA,has always been a farnily owned business,and we continue a proud tradition of creating the strongest,most reliable,and finest log splitters and firewood processors in the world.
We recently celebrated the shipping of our 20,000 log splitter which is quite an accomplishment for us and proof that if you build the very best equipment without cutting corners,there are still plenty of people in the world that place a high valus on owning a superior machine.
All of our log splitters and firewood processors are built in our factories in Vermont and New Hampshire,USA,where we cut,hand weld,assemble and test each and every one. We use the finest components available,choosing quality over low cost,and power our equipment with the best Honda engines available.
At Timberwolf,we only sell our equipment through highly respected dealers and distributors. I am supremely confident that Toshihiko Ito and the staff at Northfield will provide you with the knowledge and service to make your experience with Timberwolf a positive one. I have visited his facilities in lna City and met with his staff and was impressed by their commitment to excellence and customer satisfaction.
I want to thank you for considering the purchase of a Timberwolf product. We are very pleased to be doing business with our Japanese friends and look forward to impressing you with our high quality products and excellent customer service.
Dewa mata.
David Therrien


翌年の春、再びバーモント州を訪れた時、メープルの樹液を煮詰める蒸気が立ちのぼっている小屋が、そこここに見られ、そんな自然豊かな地にティンバーウルフ社がありました。CEOである ディビッド・セリアン 氏 と会談し、いくつか質問もするなか、「Timberwolf」という社名の由来を訊ねたところ、「狼は力強くそして賢いから」との答えが返ってきました。彼はまた「自然の中に身を置くこと、家族を大切にすることが、私の人生のスタイルである」とも話し、私は彼のそうした誠実な姿勢が会社と製品に表われているのを確信しました。

Dear Customers,
The origin of my meeting with Timberwolf log splitters is my request to my old friend in Vermont. I asked him when I traveled there at the time of autumnal foliage, “I would like you to introduce me a good log splitter manufacture if there are some in the US.” He answered, “There is a company named Timberwolf which build log splitters. Their splitters are very strong and very reliable, also they are expensive.”
Then, when I visited Vermont again in early spring the next year, I saw the cabins steaming for maple sugaring here and there. Timberwolf Manufacturing Corporation was there, such a place in rich nature.
I met Mr. David Therrien, the CEO of Timberwolf to have a talk with him. In the talk I asked him some questions and one of them was “Where is your company’s name ‘Timberwolf’ from?” He answered, “The wolf has strong power and it is intelligent.” He also told me, “I stay in the nature and I treasure my family - that is my life style.” His words made me sure that such attitude of his honesty reflects in the company and their products.
He has been keeping the attitude without change and David and I have been developing our reliable relationship as good friends each other.
Firewood making is an enjoyable job you can feel the seasons. To warm yourself with the wood you make by yourself – there is no other luxurious life besides this. It will be nice either to use an ax or to split with a log splitter to make your firewood.
We are sure that Timberwolf log splitters will be a great help to make your firewood.
Thank you very much,
Toshihiko Ito
